The Pactum

Ep. 22 – The Assurance of Faith

Pat and Mike talk about assurance in this episode and interact with Louis Berkhof’s book, “The Assurance of Faith.” Resources mentioned in this episode– The Assurance of Faith by Louis Berkhof– The Whole Christ by Sinclair Ferguson

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Ep. 21 – Pactum Responsum

This week, Pat and Mike answer listener questions for the first Pactum Responsum episode. Resources mentioned in this episode:– Willliam Carey by S Pearce Carey– Spurgeon v. Hyper-Calvinism by Iain Murray– Surviving Religion 101 by Michael Kruger– Christless Christianity by Michael Horton– The King James Only Controversy: Can You Trust Modern Translations? by James White–…

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Ep. 20 – Bible Study Tools

With all the resources available today, what should you use as you seek to better understand God’s Word? In this week’s episode, Pat and Mike discuss this very thing and give some pointers on how to study the Bible. Resource mentioned in this episode:– Reformation Study Bible– Top Commentaries on Every Book of the Bible on…

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Ep. 19 – Questioning Calvinism

In this episode we highlight and discuss the so called five points of Calvinism.  Resources mentioned in this episode:– Chosen by God by R.C. Sproul– Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer– Why Dort Happened, or Why Arminius Is Not the Hero of the Story: Part I by W. Robert Godfrey

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Ep. 18 – Getting Burned By Christians

In this episode Pat and Mike offer encouragement to Christians as they get burned by others in their Christian life. Look to Jesus Christ, the righteous.

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Ep. 17 – Saying No To Theonomy

In this episode, Pat and Mike discuss ten reasons they say no to theonomy. Resources in this episode:– Critique of Theonomy; a Taxonomy by T. David Gordon– Some Common Theonomic Arguments by Lee Irons You can also access a copy of Pat’s dissertation here.

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Ep. 16 – Ordinary Means

In this episode Pat and Mike discuss the ordinary means of grace ordained by the Lord for the church. Resources mentioned in this episode:– Ordinary Means by Michael Brown– Ordinary by Michael Horton

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Ep. 15 – On Being Confessional

Join Pat and Mike as they talk about the benefits of being a confessional Christian. Resources mentioned in this episode:– The Creedal Imperative by Carl Trueman– The Need for Creeds Today by J.V. Fesko

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Ep. 14 – Christianity and Islam

In this episode we discuss Islam, the second largest religion in the world. We highlight some similarities and key differences between Christianity and Islam. We trust that you will be helped to better understand Islam and be encouraged to love and share Christ with Muslims.

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Ep. 13 – Marching with Machen VII

In this last episode of our Machen series, we discuss the final chapter of “Christianity and Liberalism” by J. Gresham Machen.

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